Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Media: The Motor Behind the Sports World's Ascension to New Galaxies

     For the term research paper I've decided to research the impact in which new media have had on the sports world. Professional sports are more than a bunch of grown men playing with balls (hehe), they are businesses. The NBA is a business whose 30 immediate entities, each individual franchise, are worth an average of $1.25 billion. The average NFL franchise? Worth more than $2 billion. Every professional league of the major sports is as profitable now as they have ever been, and most are growing at a rapid rate. Make no mistake about it, the growth these businesses are seeing directly corresponds to the growth and advancements in new media technologies.

     I'd like to go in-depth in discussing the impact new media has had on the sports world with regards to ease of communication, enumeration, accessibility, engageability (I may or may not have just made up a word), and more. By incorporating the point of views of groups on different prongs of the sports ladder, from front-office executives, to coaches, to players, to fans, I hope to cover all bases in terms of stressing the importance of new media in every facet of the sports world.